The BBC says it might hit 30 degrees today. Just time to keep my hand in with this blog before going out into the sunshine. I'm meeting a mate in Kensington Gardens for lunch before heading over to the Daily Express building for a quick meeting with the Deputy Travel Editor Duncan Craig. I met Duncan last year in an airship of all things. At the time Stella Artois were taking journalists for flights over London in the hope that readers would want to travel out to Essex and take the flight themselves.
I've been pitching a trip to Bruges around with no luck. Peter Carty let us know on our travel workshop that we would have to start at the bottom but the PR that invited me requires a solid promise of editorial content. I'm lucky that Emma at Grifco PR seems to want to help me out and seems to be very much on my side. There's a press day tomorrow so I'll be going along to that and trying to make as many contacts as I can. It can get disheartening when people are not responding to your pitch but I cant really fall at the first hurdle now can I?
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